
Sunday 17 May 2020

Part 2 - Post Orgasm Punishment - Day 19

Oops forgot to post an entry for Friday yesterday. ended up doing this in 3 sessions. fortunately I'd given my ass and clits their regular spankings earlier in the day.

I ended up working a late on a project Friday night, and then I got a call from my mother. So by the time I was done having diner and walking the dogs it was almost 10 PM. So I decided that I would have to split the spankings into a few sessions. 

Since it was Friday night and that is typically when I give Sir control of my clit and pussy, I put in the remote control bullet in my pussy. I then decided to get started on my punishment spanks. I delivered about 60 swats with the holed paddle before I realized that I'd forgotten to do the extra punishment in the poll.

So I rubbed some icy hot onto a medium butt plug and inserted. Then rubbed some on my clit and nipples. It was late so I decided to only do 100 spanks with each implement. Sir started the vibe just as I started doing the spanks with the holed paddle. The contrast between the pleasure from the vibe and the pain from the spanks and the icy hot was interesting. The red paddle wasn't too bad either. The heart shaped paddle stings badly. I think it's my favorite/least favorite paddle. The wooden paddle as always hurts quite a bit. And finally I finished with the ping pong paddle which was comparatively mild next to the two previous hardwood paddles. But my ass was still quite sore. 

Once I was done the spanks, I switched to the rabbit vibe and tied my self up for the night. Sir set alarms so the vibe would torment me throughout the night.

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