
Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Days 142 and 143

Yesterday completed my daily tease shortly after getting back from work. It was already pretty late by the time I got home so I only did one punishment: 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon. I delivered the spanks and then fingered, I didn't edge so delivered 50 spanks with the crop to my clit.

Today I got home pretty late to and completed my daily teasing. It left me very wet and aroused. I didn't edge, but was quite close to it.

After I was done I move on to the next punishment: 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon. After I delivered the spanks and then fingered, this time I ended up edging with 21 seconds to go.

I moved on to the next punishment, 150 clit spanks with a wooden spoon and edges after delivering the spanks. After edging again, I decided to do one more punishment. 

  • Rub Icy-Hot on my clit
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • 50 spanks to clit with a wooden spoon

The punishments made me wet, but this time I didn't manage to edge. 

Punishments remaining before I can cum:

Monday, 26 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Day 141

Managed to get quite a few punishments in today despite sleeping in because the dogs decided to wake me in the middle of the night for some reason. Started of the day with a CLIT PUMP 3 X 3 PM dare so my clit was nice and tender before even beginning. 

My first punishment was 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

Delivered the spanks and then fingered unsuccessfully for 15 minutes. I delivered my 50 penalty spanks with the crop and moved on to the next punishment. 

  • 20 minutes with a piece of ginger up my ass
  • 100 spanks to my pussy with a ridding crop (All 100 spanks in the duration of the ginger in my ass.) 

I left the ginger in for the whole twenty minutes and then left it in as I spanked my pussy. I fingered for 15 minutes and then gave my clit 15 spanks with the crop for failing to edge.

I had lunch at that point and watched some TV. Then I moved on to my next punishment: 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

Again I delivered the spanks to my clit and fingered. I didn't edge again and had to deliver another 50 spanks to my clit with the crop. While I haven't been successful at edging, it feels like I'm getting so much closer.

After that I stopped for a while and took the dogs out to play since it was such a nice day. After that I had some diner. I received my daily teasing shortly after. 

My clit was already nicely tender when I clamped it. The 45 minutes of tickling left me aching. The post tease flogging of my pussy didn't help matters either. 

It was still relatively early at that point so I did another punishment. 

  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a narrow red leather paddle.
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass

I delivered the spanks fairly easily. The clamps hurt my already tender nipples. The plug obviously burned, but wasn't too horrible. I fingered and got close to the edge, but still had to spank my sore and tender clit after 15 minutes. 

I decided to go do some housework afterwards. Once that was done I completed one last punishment. 

  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up ass
  • 15 minutes tickling my clit with a paintbrush

I spanked my clit hard and then clamped it and my nipples again. both were very tender at this point. So the clamping left them very sore. I'm still sore. After the time for the clamps was up I removed them and inserted the IcyHot covered plug up my ass. I burned so much worse the second time. By the time I started using the paintbrush I was too tender and sore to have to worry about edging I think. 

Punishments remaining until I can cum again:

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Day 140

I made it through 3 punishments yesterday. Started of the day with my daily humping. I didn't edge so gave my pussy 50 spanks with the paddle. Next I move on to my first punishment.

  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a narrow red leather paddle.
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass

Delivered the additional spanks. Then added the clamps. Once the timer elapsed on for the clamps I covered a plug with IcyHot and shoved it up my ass. Once that was finished. I fingered for 15 minutes, but did not edge so delivered the 50 spanks to my clit with a crop. 

After lunch, I received my daily tease: Clamping my clit for 10 minutes, 115 minutes of clit tickling with a blush brush, Calligraphy brushes and a concealer brush, followed by 50 spanks to the pussy with a flogger. 30 minutes into the tickling I was aching I was so aroused. 

At that point I had to take a little break to run some errands and have dinner. 

After diner I moved on to the next punishment: 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

Delivered the spanks to my clit and then fingered. Didn't really get anywhere close to the edge this time. Delivered 50 additional spanks to my clit with the crop.

Next I delivered my final punishment for the day. 

  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a narrow red leather paddle.
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass

Delivered the spanks to my pussy, then clamped my clit and tits. Since this was the third time my pussy was nice and sore, by the time the 10 minutes was done. By the time I was done with the IcyHot covered plug I was pretty exhausted and decided to got to bed. 

Punishments remaining before I can cum:

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Days 137, 138 and 139

Hello again. I've had really busy days at work for the last few days, I did have time to complete my daily teases and at least one punishment, but decided not to stay up late to write reports. 

On Wednesday I got home from work fairly late and made dinner. After that was done I completed my daily tease. It normally leaves me very wet and the first 30 minutes did, but by the end I wasn't felling it anymore. I was more into the flogging which followed the tickling than the tickling. I was probably just over tired.

Then I moved on to the next punishment on the list. 

  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon.
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger
  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a ridding crop

All the spanks were delivered fairly quickly and did manage to get me reasonably excited again, however I still had to give my clit the additional 50 penalty spanks with the crop for failing to edge. I'd planned on doing another punishment that night, but at that point I was tired, so I went to bed. 

The next day wasn't much better. I got home earlier but ended up on work emails most of the night. Once I finally got things settled at work I move on to my daily tease. Thursday went much better I was very wet by the time I finished tickling my clit. I did edged with 2 seconds to go. 

  • Rub toothpaste on my clit
  • 15 minutes with a jumbo plug up my ass
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

After everything else the toothpaste on my clit was very tame. The jumbo plug on the other hand was difficult. We've gone through quite a period were everyone was obsessed with figging me or having me shove a plug covered in IcyHot up my ass. Because of the chemical irritant I tend to use medium or even small plugs for that. It had been a long while Since I'd used a plug that big and it was difficult to accommodate. Probably a sign that I should train my ass more often. I can I have permission to play with with my ass as much as I want. Only my clit and pussy are off limits.

At any rate I was extremely happy to remove the plug once the timer went off. I gave my clit a good hard spanking with the spoon, redoing some of the spanks because I didn't feel they landed well enough.

I enjoyed the fingering, but didn't manage to edge, so I finished the night out with 50 spanks to my clit with the crop.

Last night, I completed my daily tease. Again was wet and aroused, but didn't manage to edge. 

After the tease I moved on to my punishment. 

  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger

I spent the 20 minutes with the plug up my ass going through the GD forum and "helping" others enjoy their predicaments. Once the time had elapsed, I applied the clamp to my clit and nipples. My clit was still sore form the clamping I had to do during my daily tease, so it was throbbing and very sensitive when I took of the clamp. Next I delivered 50 spanks with the flogger. At this point I should have been primed for the fingering, but honestly I was so tired that it really was more of a chore than anything else. It's not a surprise that I ended up having to take 50 spanks to the clit with a crop. 

Punishments remaining before I can cum: 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Day 136

Received my daily teasing shortly after getting home from work. Decided to make and have dinner first. 

After dinner I completed my daily tease. It left me quite wet and on the verge of edging just as the time ran out.

I moved on to my next punishment. 
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger
We seems to be in the IcyHot anal period of this thread. I think I have 3 more sessions before getting through this page. 

I inserted the plug and let the IcyHot burn my asshole while I posted to other peoples threads and browsed Tumblr. Once the timer went off I removed the plug, reset the timer for 10 minutes and clamped my clit and tits. After removing the clamps I delivered 50 blows to my pussy with the flogger. The fingering was very good and made me very wet, but I didn't edge, so once the 15 minutes where up I gave my clit another 50 spanks with the crop.

By the time I'd finished that the burning from the IcyHot in my asshole had died down. So I moved on to the next punishment. 
  • 50 spanks to my pussy
  • Rub Icy-Hot on my clit
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon
Once again I was surprised by how effective hand spanks to the pussy are. Once those were done I rubbed IcyHot all over my clit. The staying power is a lot greater there that it is in my ass. Next I gave myself 50 good hard spanks with the wooden spoon. This time I did manage to edge literally 2 seconds before the timer went off.

Punishments Remaining before I can cum:

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Day 135

Finished last night's dare with 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon. Once those were done I rubbed Tiber Balm on my clit and started fingering, I actually managed to edge that time. 

First time this morning I started in on my punishments. Today was a work holiday were I am so I managed to get through a few of them. 

  • Rub Icy-Hot on my clit
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

The thing about rubbing IcyHot on my clit and using a plug at the same time is that the pain from my ass almost eclipses any pain I get from my clit. Once the timer went of I delivered the spanks to my clit with the wooden spoon and then fingered for 15 minutes. I didn't manage to edge so I gave myself 50 spanks to the clit with the riding crop.

While I waited for the sensation from the IcyHot to die down I completed a CLIT PAINTX3 PM dare which left me extra sensitive and horny. 

By then time I was done I was ready for some more punishments. The next two were straight clit/pussy spankings so I finishes them fairly quickly. 

  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon.
  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a ridding crop
  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a narrow red leather paddle.
  • 150 spanks to pussy with a ridding crop

I didn't manage to edge either time even though I was extremely wet and felt very close to the edge each time. Each time I felt like I was just about to edge before the alarm went off. So each punishment was followed by an additional 50 spanks to my sore clit. After that I was pretty exhausted so I paused for a little while and Had a nap.

Once I woke up I stated up another punishment. 

  • 50 spanks to my pussy with a narrow red leather paddle.
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass

After spanking my pussy again and clamping my clit and nipples. I moved on to another twenty minutes with an IcyHot covered plug tormenting my asshole. At the very least the sensation dies away quickly once the plug leaves my ass. It did burn fiercely though. And worse I had to wait 20 minutes before I could play with my clit. Once the timer went of I fingered my clit and then delivered another 50 penalty spanks to my ungrateful clit.

After that I decided to make some lunch. Once I finished that I was in the clear to start another punishment. This seems to be the day of torturing my ass with IcyHot. 

  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger

The burn I have to say got worse each time I did this today, though never anything unbearable. The clamps applied to my clit and pussy were almost worse. Almost... Once that was done I flogged my sensitive pussy and then settled in for some fingering. Once again no edge so another 50 penalty spanks to my clit.

The time for the clamping and the fingering allowed the last application of IcyHot to die down, so I moved on to the next punishment. 

  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger

The plug had been up my ass for less than 10 minutes when I received my daily teasing. I left the plug in my ass for the full 20 minutes and then stopped to do the teasing. 

As usual it started with clit clamped for 10 minutes. Then it was time for 45 minutes of tickling with acrylic pain brushes and the concealer brush. No edge this time. As usual the tease ended with 50 spanks between my spread legs with the flogger. My teasing always includes clamping and some sort of spanking to my pussy or clit now. Getting to tickle my clit without having to spank my pussy as part of it this morning was almost weird.

Once that was done I made some diner and did a little house work before going in to redo the punishment. As usual I substituted the chemical play with 50 spanks to my clit with a ridding crop. If I actually stopped and counted the spanks delivered to my clit today I'm sure it would give me pause so... lets not. Next I clamped my clit and nipples. After so much clamping today I was really sensitive. Once that was done I flogged my pussy another 50 times. Fingering did not lead me to the edge again. Admittedly I was so sore this time that while I was still wet and aroused I didn't get close to the edge. So another 50 spanks to the clit with the crop.

I finished the night also failing to edge while humping, so delivered a final 50 spanks to my pussy with the red leather paddle. My clit is very sore, bruised and tender right now, yet I've been rubbing my nipples while writing this and am almost considering doing one last punishment just so I can torment my abused clit some more.

The matter of punishments for breaks has also been settled with the exception of Illness, family emergencies, vacations (around family) and the 3 heaviest flow days of my period I will be punished any day that I do not complete a daily tease and/or a punishment. If I do not complete my daily tease I will administer 50 rubber band snaps to my pussy lips while my nipple are clamped. If I fail to complete a minimum of 1 punishment a day I will administer 50 rubber band snaps to my clit while my nipples are clamped. 

Punishment remaining before I can cum:

Monday, 19 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Days 118 to 134

I've been away for quite a while do to having my period and some family issues. During that time I had a WATER TORTURE daily tease which I tried twice to do and failed. I finally managed to complete it last weekend. I edged 25 times and had to give my clit 375 spanks with the ridding crop as a result. I should probably ask for an additional punishment either for failing the PM dare or because since I failed the PM that means I technically played with my clit outside of went I'm allowed to. Before I could get to that though I came down with another cold. 

After starting to feel somewhat better this Saturday I did a daily tease I'd received right before I started feeling sick. I did my daily humping, but didn't edge this time around (at least not a hard edge). So after I was done I delivered 50 spanks to my pussy with the red paddle. 

Once that was taken care of I moved on to my daily tease: 10 minutes with my clit clamped, 45 minutes of clit tickling with calligraphy brushes and the concealer brush, followed by 50 spanks to my pussy with the flogger. It was pretty late once I was done and I decided not to push my luck. Apparently tonight I'm not that smart tonight. Oh well it's a work holiday tomorrow so I can sleep in. 

I did review the thread rules and noticed that I'm have not posted my minimum weekly update to GD as agreed. I did have extenuating circumstances, but I could have posted a quick note and a tally. 

So I've decided some additional punishment is in order. Since I haven't posted in 18 days, for the next 18 days anyone posting spanking punishments to the thread may double them (100 rather than 50). And in order to encourage myself to put more effort into fingering my clit, as a permanent punishment I will administer 50 penalty spanks to my clit with a ridding crop if I cannot edge from fingering my clit within 15 minutes. 

I'm also working out the details of punishments for taking breaks, which I'm sure I will again. (Preview it will involve pussy and clit snaps) 

Now onto the day's punishments. After breakfast I started the first punishment. I started off by doing my daily humping and ended up administering 50 punishment spanks to my pussy with the red leather paddle for failing to edge again.

Once that was out of the way I moved on to the next punishment on the list. 

  • 20 minutes with a butt plug covered in icy hot up my ass
  • Clamp my clit and tits for 10 minutes
  • 50 hits to my pussy with a flogger

I made sure to put a good amount of IcyHot on the plug's stem before I inserted it into asshole. I burned a lot and since I had a rather long hiatus it's been quite a while since anything as been up my ass. I certainly rectified that today. Once the timer was up I removed the plug and clamped my clit and nipples. My clit was nice and sensitive by the time I flogged my pussy. 

Fingering did not lead to edging so 50 spanks added to my tally ( I only decided on this punishment at the end of the day). Since my asshole was still burning from the IcyHot I did some housework until the sensation died down. Then it was time for the next punishment. 

  • 20 minutes with a piece of ginger up your ass
  • 100 spanks to pussy with leather paddle

Again the dreaded ginger. It burned, but I distracted myself reading posts on the forum. If I added to anyone's chastity/denial time they can be comforted by the fact that my asshole was being tortured at the time. Once the timer went off I delivered the 100 spanks to my pussy with the paddle. Then spent a very pleasant 15 minutes diddling my clit. Alas another 50 spanks had to be added to my total.

Had a latish lunch at that point, watched some TV and did some more housework. Then I received today's daily tease: 10 minutes with my clit clamped, 45 minutes of clit tickling with the paintbrush, followed by 50 spanks to my pussy with the flogger. The paintbrush's bristles are rough and after prolonged use (more than 30 minutes) they leave my clit almost raw. So I was very wet and extremely sensitive by the time I was done. The flogger was particularly vicious after dragging the paintbrush across my clit and between my pussy lips for that long. 

After that I took a short break to do some laundry and have some dinner. 

Now it was time for another punishment. As bad as the ginger is at least it doesn't have a ton of staying power the burn dissipates quickly once it's no longer in my ass. 

  • 20 minutes with a piece of ginger up ass 
  • 100 spanks to pussy with a ridding crop

That being said after the abuse my hole had already endured, I did not enjoy the figging. I was more than happy to take out the plug and spank my clit and pussy once the timer went off. And again edging from fingering 0 - 50 spanks with the crop 3. 

Went out for a short errand and then came back and decided to do a couple of other punishments. 

  • 150 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon

I delivered the spanks to my clit fairly quickly and moved on to fingering. This is about the time I decided that failure to edge should be a punishable offence. I really put some effort into my fingering, but still wasn't able to get to the edge. 

My clit was getting a little sore, but I decided to move on to the next punishment. I have quite a few chemical play punishments coming up so decided I should get through as many as I could today. 

  • 150 spanks to pussy with a ridding crop

I delivered all 150 spanks concentrating more on my pussy lips than my clit, since at this point I knew my clit would not be lacking for attention. I fingered really doing my best to make myself edge and I felt like I was getting close, but then the timer went off. I spread my pussy lips with one hand delivered 50 blows to my clit with the crop. Then I delivered another 200 for the other 4 edges I failed to deliver. 

I decided to do one more punishment before bed. This is still in progress. 

  • Rub Tabasco on my clit
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon
  • Rub Tiger balm on my clit

I rubbed the Tabasco over my sore clit and sat down to write this. I knew this would be a long update and I'm a fairly slow typist, so I figured this would give the burning time to die down. I was literally squirming in my seat went I started typing it burned and hurt so bad. It has died down to a pleasant little throb now. Once I finish everything I should be okay to spank my clit and then rub the Tiger Balm in. 

Somethings occurred to me earlier tonight. First none of my teasing options involve vaginal penetration. My pussy has been empty for months. No dildos, vibrators or Ben Wa balls. I definitely will need to do something to stuff it once I'm allowed to do so again.

The second thing is that now that my daily teasing involves spankings and clamping, I'm never allowed to play with my clit without also hurting it. An I know most of you are thinking and so?? If you set this entire thing up your obviously a painslut. And I am, definitely. A little bit of IcyHot on the clit was always a sure way of getting myself across the finish line. But until the last couple of months I didn't always combine masturbation with pain. I did use a vibe or the shower head to edge or cum without spanking my clit or pussy first. What I'm wondering now is will I be able to go back. Do I even want to? 

Punishments remaining before I can cum:

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Punishment Dare - Day 117

One of my dogs gave me an early wake up call this morning and simply insisted that I take him outside. So I decided to get some early morning punishment in. 

  • Rub Tabasco on my clit
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon
  • Rub Tiger balm on my clit

I've done this a few time and have to admit this one is pretty nasty simply because of the time involved. It takes a good while for the burning from the Tabasco to die down and there is really no point in rubbing the tiger balm on my clit until it has. Though I'll admit I rubbed the Tabasco on and then took the dogs out. Multitasking! It burned a lot and being dressed and outside in the cold really didn't do anything to improve that. 

Once I came back in I browsed Tumbler for a while since I like to torture myself by reading denial blogs. Once I felt the Tabasco had died down enough I spanked my clit hard with the wooden spoon 50 times, before rubbing Tiger Balm on my clit. I probably could have stopped before the 15 minutes was over and called it a soft edge, But I really didn't need to. I felt close, but never in danger of actually cumming. 

After getting back from work I learned what my punishment would be for failing to edge when I humped the bed the other night. I have to hump a rolled up towel every day for 15 minutes. If I can't edge I have to spank my pussy 50 times with the leather paddle.

Surprisingly, I did edge. I'm not sure if it was the novelty of the excitement. I'm pretty sure there will be pussy spankings in my future as that wears off. 

Next it was time for my daily teasing starting with 10 minutes with a clamp crushing my swollen and excited clit. Once I removed the clamp I tickled my clit for 45 minutes with the concealer brush. I edge 4 times. After giving my pussy my daily post tease flogging, I had to give myself 60 penalty spanks to the clit with a ridding crop. 

So I was already wet tender and horny when I decided to start my next punishment. 

  • 20 minutes with a piece of ginger up my ass
  • Rub Tabasco on my clit
  • 50 spanks to my pussy with leather paddle

The figging and the Tabasco on my clit in combination were horrible. My clit still feels super tender. By clit was throbbing so much I barely felt the spanks to my pussy even though I tried to put some force behind them. I almost edged several time, but managed to keep tormenting my sore little clit for the whole 15 minutes.

I'm still super horny and have been assigned another 15 minutes of humping, which I'll likely do right before I go to bed horny and desperate. 

Punishments remaining before I can cum: 

Punishment Dare - Day 116

I decided to do a punishment first thing this morning. Which was silly because as expected it made me late for work.
  • Rub Tabasco on my clit
  • 50 spanks to my clit with a wooden spoon
  • Rub Tiger balm on my clit
It took a good hour for the burning from the Tabasco to dissipate. Once it finally did I delivered the spanks to my sore clit. Next I rubbed the tiger balm all over my clit and fingered it for 15 minutes.I was close to edging when the alarm went off. 

After work I received my daily teasing. It looks like this may start with my clit clamped from now on. Next I had to tickle my clit with calligraphy brushes for 45 minutes. This brought me so close and left me wet and extra sensitive. I then used the flogged my pussy 50 times. I'm still awaiting my punishment for failing to edge while humping the bed. Suggestions on how I should be punished are welcome. 

My limits are: Permanent, family/friends, work, extreme pain, obvious public, scat, golden shower, piercing, pictures, vids, cam, blood, cutting and of course it goes without saying orgasm.   

After the teasing I decided to do a punishment. 
  • 20 minutes with a piece of ginger up my ass
  • 100 hits to pussy with a flogger
The ginger burned, but I distracted myself reading through the forum. That's not to say that I wasn't happy when the timer went off and I was able to remove the ginger from my ass. Next I flogged my pussy before fingering myself for 15 minutes. 

My clit was so sensitive when I was done I decided to wait a little while for the burning in my ass to completely die down and do another punishment. 
  • Rub Tabasco on my clit
  • 100 spank to my clit with a wooden spoon 
  • Tickle my clit for 15 minutes with an oil brush 
The Tabasco burned has it generally does, it also sensitized my already swollen clit tremendously. The spanks to my clit just exacerbated the situation and increase the sensitivity tremendously. So much so that I edged 3 times while using the oil brush on my clit. This means that the requester of that punishment/post gets to double/triple post on DG for the next 3 days. 

Punishments remaining before I can cum: