Yesterday was a teasing day. I slept on Friday and managed to stay that way until around 4:30 AM when I had to release myself to use the wash room. Then I switched Nora's and went back to bed until around 7. At that point the dogs wanted to go outside so I switched to the Lush and let me say again that right now I wish I hadn't suggested clit spankings every time I switched toys. My clit is still very tender.
I walked the dogs and then went to the grocery store and to get coffee with the Lush stuffed in my pussy. I spent a bit of the morning doing some laundry and being teased by Sir. Mid afternoon, I had lunch and then went back to the bedroom switched to the Nora and tied myself backup for a couple of hours. Then switched back to the Lush and took the dogs out to play for a little bit. I watched TV then for a little while, being teased of and on all day.
After dinner switched back to the Nora for some more teasing before switching to the Lush and taking the dogs out one last time. Then I came back in and switched back to the Nora so I could be teased for the rest of the night.
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